Jim Isaac 707 S Live Oak Park Rd Fallbrook, CA 92028-3683 États-Unis |
Informations sur cette adresse:
(Adresse personnelle) 707 S Live Oak Park Rd Fallbrook, CA 92028-3683 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Comment écrire à Jim Isaac?:
Si vous souhaitez recevoir un autographe, suivez les instructions ci-dessous. Si vous voulez simplement envoyer une lettre à l'addresse indiquée ci-dessus, vous pouvez arrêter de lire!
Si vous habitez dans le même pays que le destinataire (États-Unis) envoyez votre lettre accompagnée d'une enveloppe timbrée (21.5 X 10 cm), libéllée à votre adresse et d'une photo.
Vous pouvez également ajouter un morceau de carton afin d'éviter que votre photo ne soit pliée durant le transport et écrire sur les enveloppes "Ne pas plier - Do not bend". Postez votre lettre. En moyenne, vous devrez patienter 3 mois pour recevoir une réponse.
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Director of Jason X - Jim Isaac - 08 novembre 2011 Recently I received an autograph from the director of Jason X, Pig Hunt, Skin Walkers and the Horror Show - Jim Isaac. In conversing with Harriet Isaac (his wife I believe) she let me know how much my fanmail meant to him. Apparently he's being treated right now for a rare blood cancer, and the treatment is intensive.
The thought that I might have helped Jim, really made me feel good, I know remaining positive is supposedly one of the best things to do when one is trying to heal. So I thought - you know if one thoughtfully written fan letter made him feel good - perhaps another couple letters would help boost him up in his time of need. I contacted Harriet, and she was delighted by the idea. SO....
If you ever wanted to get his autograph and tell him how much you enjoyed his work - now would be the time:
Jim Isaac
c/o IsaacArts, Inc.
707 S. Live Oak Park Road
Fallbrook, CA 92028
I can't post the auto because the board attachment quota has been reached - but the address is good. |
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