Monte Markham PO Box 36 Malibu, CA 90265-0036 États-Unis |
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(Boîte postale) PO Box 36 Malibu, CA 90265-0036 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Monte Markham Actor - 06 mars 2019 Monte Markham (born June 21, 1935) is an American actor. He has appeared in films, television series and on Broadway. Of his television roles, Markham is perhaps most famous for playing the dual role of Luke and Ken Carpenter in the 1967â68 ABC sitcom The Second Hundred Years, and as Harry Kellem in the original Hawaii Five-O. From 1989 to 1992, he played the role of Captain Don Thorpe, senior lifeguard on Baywatch. Markham's film work includes Hour of the Gun, Guns of the Magnificent Seven, Midway, Airport 77, and We Are Still Here.
Sent him 2 photos on 29 Nov 2017 and got them back signed on 6 Mar 2019.. He also included a signed color 8X10 along with a note saying he was sorry for the delay however, "my home survived the Malibu fires, but cleanup and restoration in the entire area is still on going and will take years to return to what if was.. My office was stripped and moved to storage.. Thank you for understanding and thank you for caring to write"...
The address on the return envelope is
Mr Monte Markham
PO Box 36
Malibu, CA 90265 |
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