Wily Mo Peña 27520 Breakers Dr Wesley Chapel, FL 33544-6667 États-Unis |
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(Adresse personnelle) 27520 Breakers Dr Wesley Chapel, FL 33544-6667 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Wily Mo Peña Success! (Boston Red Sox, MLB Outfielder) - 16 février 2021 Wily Mo Peña Success! MLB Outfielder. Used address found in post by caappy » Fri Jan 15, 2021 5:36 pm. Thank you caappy, and fanmail.biz. Mr. Pena did not charge a fee. Sent 1 Topps MLB Trading Card, along with note and SASE. Did not take longer than 3 weeks. I use my address for both the return and the sending to, hence the masking of the envelope.
Mr Wily Mo Pena
27520 Breaker Dr
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
|  |
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Wily Mo Pena Baseball - 15 janvier 2021 Wily Modesto Peña Gutierrez (born January 23, 1982) is a Dominican professional baseball outfielder who is currently a free agent. He previously played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Cincinnati Reds, Boston Red Sox, Washington Nationals, Arizona Diamondbacks and Seattle Mariners, and in NPB for the Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks and Orix Buffaloes. At 6 feet, 3 inches in height and nearly 300 pounds, the right-handed batting and throwing Peña is considered a pure power hitter best known for his long-distance home runs and high strikeout rate.
Cincinnati Reds (20022005)
Boston Red Sox (20062007)
Washington Nationals (20072008)
Arizona Diamondbacks (2011)
Seattle Mariners (2011)
Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks (20122013)
Orix Buffaloes (2014)
Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles (2015)
Chiba Lotte Marines (2017)
Sent him 2 cards on 3 Nov and got them back signed on 14 Jan.
Mr Wily Mo Pena
27520 Breaker Dr
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 |
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