How to send your fan mail and autograph requests to Peter Facinelli?:
If you want to request an autograph, follow the guidelines bellow. If you just want to mail a letter with the address above, and do not want anything back, then you can stop reading!
If you live in USA send a properly stamped and self addressed envelope (minimum size 8.5" x 4") with your request letter and a photo.
You can include a piece of cardboard to keep the photo from bending in shipping and also add "Do Not Bend" on the envelopes.
Send your letter and wait. On average, there is going to be a 3+ month wait for a response.
If you do not live in USA, you can purchase your american stamps here
*For information on postage prices to receive a letter from USA click here. |
Feedback received:
Peter Facinelli Fail - April 4th, 2013 In the beginning of March I sent a LOR, SASE, and two 4x6 pictures to the address in the database. Just got everything back today unsigned :/ |
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Peter Facinelli Success - December 4th, 2011 I wrote to him via the address in the database.
SENT: 7/19/2011
RECIEVED: 12/4/2011
I sent two photos - one of him & Jennie Garth but he didn't return that one. He did however sign the other I sent. & I loved how he signed it. =) I loved him in Can't Hardly Wait. That's when I first became a fan.
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