How to send your fan mail and autograph requests to Jane Kim?:
If you want to request an autograph, follow the guidelines bellow. If you just want to mail a letter with the address above, and do not want anything back, then you can stop reading!
If you live in USA send a properly stamped and self addressed envelope (minimum size 8.5" x 4") with your request letter and a photo.
You can include a piece of cardboard to keep the photo from bending in shipping and also add "Do Not Bend" on the envelopes.
Send your letter and wait. On average, there is going to be a 3+ month wait for a response.
If you do not live in USA, you can purchase your american stamps here
*For information on postage prices to receive a letter from USA click here. |
Feedback received:
Board of Supervisor Jane Kim of San Francisco, California ! - July 24th, 2017 Jane Kim, a Korean American woman served as San Francisco Board of Education and is currently serving as Board of Supervisors from District 6th since 2011. She is a true advocate for Civil Rights including people with disabilities' rights and a strong supporter of social justice. On 4/18/2017 I mailed a letter explaining how I find Supervisor Kim's work to be very inspiring to me, a story of my life with a disability where I dedicated her, and a picture of me to
Supervisor Jane Kim
c/o City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689
(took about 4 months)
On 7/24/2017 I received a nice letter from her and she even explain some good advice to me.
Here is the link:  |
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