Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Mickey Tettleton Autograph - 12 août 2022 Fan mail address listed resulted in a return to sender on 8-12-22
Mickey Tettleton
7242 Spring View Dr
Norman, OK 73026-0766
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Fr. MLB player Mickey Tettleton Failure RTS - 23 mars 2020 I sent this out back on July 25, 2019, and got it back RTS Sept 28, 2019. Sorry for the delay I am a little back up with my mail.
I sent a LOR and SASE with a few cards. At least it was returned RTS.
I sent to PO BOS 722496
Norman, OK 73070
I don't know where I got this address but I am going to try again and will keep you posted. |
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Mickey Tettleton Fr. MLB FAILURE RTS - 30 septembre 2019 Mickey Tettleton failure I mailed out my LOR, SAE to what I thought was a good address. He was RTS.
I mailed it out 9/19/19 and got it back 9/28/2019
I used the following address:
Mr. Mickey Tettleton
PO BOX 722496
Norman, OK 73070
If anyone has a better or more current addresss let me know. Thanks |
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