Jim Covert 2647 Nelson Ct Weston, FL 33332-1835 États-Unis |
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Jim Covert American Football - 04 mai 2020 James Paul "Jimbo" Covert (born March 22, 1960) is a former American college and professional football player who was an offensive tackle in the National Football League (NFL) for eight seasons during the 1980s and early 1990s. Covert played college football for the University of Pittsburgh, and was recognized as an All-American. He was selected in the first round of the 1983 NFL Draft, and played professionally for the NFL's Chicago Bears.In Covertâs second year in the league, he was elected by his teammates to be one of the Bears' captains.[24 That year, he was named All-Pro by Sports Illustrated and was ranked by many as one of the best tackles in professional football. In Covertâs third year, he was named consensus All-Pro, made first-team All-NFL, was selected to the Pro Bowl, and was named 1985 National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) NFC Offensive Lineman of the Year. The 1985 Chicago Bears also won Super Bowl XX.
Chicago Bears (1983â1991)
Super Bowl champion (XX)
2Ã Pro Bowl (1985, 1986)
2Ã First-team All-Pro (1985, 1986)
Second-team All-Pro (1987)
NFL 1980s All-Decade Team
PFWA All-Rookie Team (1983)
Consensus All-American (1982)
Walter Camp Alumni of the Year (1995)
Pittsburgh Panthers Jersey #75 retired
Pro Football Hall of Fame 2020
College Football Hall of Fame 2003
Sent him 2 photos on 11 Sep 2019 and got them back signed 4 May 2020 .. Looks like he signed them Jimbo Covert and signed them with #74
Mr Jim Covert
2647 Nelson Ct
Weston, FL 33332 |
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Jim Covert (nfl) Success - 13 mars 2020 I wrote to Mr. Covert on 01/15/2020 and I got a reply on 03/12/2020
Jim Covert
2647 Nelson Ct
Weston, FL 33332-1835
http://surfmypictures.com/image/fc9235f16f85156f/m5dz8.html |    |
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