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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Larry Chance Singer The Earls - 04 février 2019 Larry Chance (born Larry Figueiredo in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania October 19, 1940) is an American musical artist, and the lead singer of the popular 1960s doo wop group Larry Chance and the Earls, originally known as The Earls. In 1962, the Earls' single "Remember Then" was a huge national hit. Other records entered the charts, including "Never" (top 5 on the local New York charts), "Life Is But a Dream" (top 10 on the local New York charts), and "I Believe", considered an East Coast classic. Other recordings include "Looking For My Baby" and "Kissing". Albums include "Remember Me Baby", "The Earls: Today", "The Earls - LIVE", "Earl Change", and "Streets of the Bronx".
Sent him 2 photos on 8 Dec and got them back signed on 4 Feb
Mr Larry Chance
c/o Paul Kasofsky
PO Box 245
Ferndale, NY. 12734 |
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