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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
David Paich Keyboard player and songwriter Toto - 28 novembre 2018 David Frank Paich (born June 25, 1954) is an American musician, songwriter, singer, and record producer, best known as co-founder, principal songwriter, keyboardist, and occasional singer of the rock band Toto since 1976. Paich wrote or co-wrote much of Toto's original material, including the band's three most popular songs: "Hold the Line," "Rosanna," and "Africa." With Toto, Paich has contributed to 17 albums and sold over 30 million records. Additionally, Paich has worked as a songwriter, session musician, and producer with a host of artists including Boz Scaggs and Michael Jackson.
Sent him 2 photos on 22 Oct and got them back signed on 26 Nov.
Keyboard player with beard and sunglasses
Mr David Paich
3325 Mountain Park Dr.
Calabasas, CA 91302 |
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