J. R. Cobb James Cobb Music, Inc. 813 Barnes Mountain Rd Mansfield, GA 30055-2530 États-Unis
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James Cobb Music, Inc. (Entreprise) 813 Barnes Mountain Rd Mansfield, GA 30055-2530 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
J. R. Cobb Guitarist Songwriter - Classics IV - 24 septembre 2018 James Barney "J. R." Cobb Jr. (born February 5, 1944, Birmingham, Alabama) is an American guitarist and songwriter, most notable for co-writing "Spooky" and "Stormy", among others, as a member of the Classics IV, plus "Champagne Jam" and "Do It Or Die", among others, as a member of the Atlanta Rhythm Section. In 1953, at the age of nine, he and his two siblings were placed in the Baptist Children's Home in Jacksonville, after his father left the family and his mother needed assistance. Cobb regarded the experience as positive, on balance. Following graduation from high school, Cobb became a welder. Co-workers had started a band called The Emeralds, and invited Cobb to join the band as a guitarist. The Emeralds evolved into The Classics, which then became The Classics IV, with lead singer Dennis Yost. In 1970, Cobb became a session guitarist in Doraville, Georgia at Studio One, playing in a session band with members of the Classics IV and The Candymen, which had been the backing band for Roy Orbison. The group became the Atlanta Rhythm Section, as named by Bill Lowery, and commenced recording as such as of 1972. Cobb left the group in 1987. He wished to concentrate on songwriting.
Sent him 2 photos on 1 Sep and got them back signed on 24 Sep.. Signed them JR Cobb
He is second from the right
Mr J. R. Cobb
813 Barnes Mountain Rd.
Mansfield, GA 30055 |
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