Brewer and Shipley One Toke Productions 15710 County Road 7190 Rolla, MO 65401-7574 États-Unis
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One Toke Productions (Société de production cinématographique) 15710 County Road 7190 Rolla, MO 65401-7574 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Les artistes que vous pouvez contacter à cette adresse:
| Tom Shipley (Guitariste / Chanteur), Mike Brewer (Guitariste / Chanteur). |
Comment écrire à Brewer and Shipley?:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Brewer and Shipley Singers Songwriters - 03 octobre 2018 Brewer & Shipley are an American folk rock duo who enjoyed their peak success in the late 1960s through the 1970s, consisting of singer-songwriters Mike Brewer and Tom Shipley. They were known for their intricate guitar work, vocal harmonies, and socially conscious lyrics which reflected the concerns of their generation â especially the Vietnam War, and the struggles for personal and political freedom. Their greatest commercial success was the song "One Toke Over the Line" from their 1970 album Tarkio. They had two other singles on the Billboard charts: "Tarkio Road" (1970) and "Shake Off The Demon" (1971). They continue to perform, both separately and together, usually in the Midwest of the USA.
Sent them 2 photos that pictured them both on 1 Sep and both photos came back signed by both on 3 Oct.
Michael Brewer is on the left on the Tarkio Album cover and Tom Shipley right..
Mr Michael Brewer and Tom Shipley
One Toke Productions
15710 CR 7190
Rolla, MO 65401 |
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