Jeremy Gelbwaks 57 S Wren Street New Orleans, LA 70124-4113 États-Unis |
Informations sur cette adresse:
(Adresse personnelle) 57 S Wren Street New Orleans, LA 70124-4113 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Jeremy Gelbwaks (The Partridge Family) success! - 22 novembre 2017 I was planning on posting this at the end of December, but due to a certain event that just occurred, I'm posting it sooner. David Cassidy, who, like Jeremy Gelbwaks, was in the '70s show The Partridge Family, just died, and I thought that though Jeremy Gelbwaks is the one to generously give this, I could post this partially in honor and remembrance of David Cassidy. I ironically received this the same day David Cassidy died. " title="Crying or Very sad" />
Sent: LoR, photo to be signed, SASE on October 13th, 2017
Received: Photo signed along with note on November 21st, 2017!
Address (in database) used:
Jeremy Gelbwaks
57 S Wren Street
New Orleans, LA 70124-4113
His autograph is in the lower right-hand corner of the photo.
This is delightful! Jeremy Gelbwaks played the first Christopher Partridge--he was later replaced by another actor--in The Partridge Family, which I've loved. He wrote a wonderful note that says, "Thank you for your kind words, and for remembering my show. It was a very long time ago, and it surprises and gladdens me when people know about it."
This is my third Partridge Family success--and though that may not sound like much, that's actually 3/5 of the remaining cast.
Thank you so much for the address, Fanmail, and for the gift, Mr. Gelbwaks!
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