Ann E. Dunwoody 2802 Shore Breeze Dr. Tampa, FL 33611-5334 États-Unis |
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(Adresse personnelle) 2802 Shore Breeze Dr. Tampa, FL 33611-5334 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
General Ann E. Dunwoody Success - 13 juin 2019 I wrote to Gen. Dunwoody on 05/14/2019 and received a reply on 06/13/2019
General Ann Dunwoody
2802 Shore Breeze Dr.
Tampa, FL 33611-5334
http://surfmypictures.com/image/4aaf918de0a0be14/zufgd.html |      |
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First Female US 4 Star General Ann E. Dunwoody Success! - 03 juin 2017 Ann Dunwoody is a retired US Army General. She was the first woman in the US military to achieve a four-star officer rank. She became the Army's top-ranking woman when she received was promoted to Lieutenant General and became the Army's Deputy Chief of Staff in 2005. She was nominated as Commanding General of the US Army Material Command in 2008 and served in that position until her retirement in 2012.
She sent me a signed photo in my SASE in 21 days.
Address and photo on my blog -> http://markdautographs.blogspot.ca/2017 ... -star.html
General Ann Dunwoody
2802 Shore Breeze Dr.
Tampa, FL 33611-5334
USA |  |
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