Billy Redden 253 Little River Lane Rabun Gap, GA 30568-2411 États-Unis |
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(Adresse personnelle) 253 Little River Lane Rabun Gap, GA 30568-2411 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Billy Redden Dueling Banjos' kid - Deliverance - 23 janvier 2024 Billy Redden (born 1956) is an American actor, best known for his role as a backwoods mountain boy in the 1972 film Deliverance. He played Lonnie, a banjo-playing teenager in north Georgia, who played the noted "Dueling Banjos" with Drew Ballinger (Ronny Cox). Redden was born in Rabun County, Georgia, on October 13, 1956. At the age of fifteen, he was discovered by Lynn Stalmaster, who was scouting for the movie Deliverance. Stalmaster recommended Redden to director John Boormanthough Redden was not an albino child, as Boorman had requested - and Redden was cast.
He portrayed a banjo-playing "local" in the film's famous "dueling banjos" scene. Boorman felt that Redden's skinny frame, large head, and almond-shaped eyes made him the natural choice to play the part of an "inbred from the back woods." Because Redden could not play the banjo, he wore a special shirt that allowed a real banjo player to hide behind him.
Sent him 2 photos and $10 on 5 Jan and got them back signed on 23 Jan. He did not request any money, I just sent it to him with the photos.
Mr Billy Redden
253 Little River Lane
Rabun Gap, GA 30568 |
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