Larry Hand 4414 Robinhood Rd Winston-Salem, NC 27106-4236 États-Unis |
Informations sur cette adresse:
(Adresse personnelle) 4414 Robinhood Rd Winston-Salem, NC 27106-4236 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Comment écrire à Larry Hand?:
Si vous souhaitez recevoir un autographe, suivez les instructions ci-dessous. Si vous voulez simplement envoyer une lettre à l'addresse indiquée ci-dessus, vous pouvez arrêter de lire!
Si vous habitez dans le même pays que le destinataire (États-Unis) envoyez votre lettre accompagnée d'une enveloppe timbrée (21.5 X 10 cm), libéllée à votre adresse et d'une photo.
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
NFL Larry Hand Success - 31 janvier 2023 Sent a LOR, SASE and 3 TCs to:
Lawrence 'Larry' Hand
3410 Meridian Way
Winston-Salem, NC 27104-1835
Sent: 1/17/23
Received: 1/31/23
http://surfmypictures.com/image/228fe5a892f8a804/m1vf4.html |  |
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NFL Larry Hand Success - 01 août 2022 Sent a LOR, SASE and TC to:
Larry Hand
3410 Meridian Way
Winston-Salem, NC 27104-1835
Sent: 7/9/22
Received: 8/1/22
http://surfmypictures.com/image/f584aa371a08ec01/il9n9.html |  |
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Larry Hand NFL - 24 octobre 2020 Lawrence Thomas Hand (born July 10, 1940) is a former American football player. He played 13 seasons as a defensive end and defensive tackle in the National Football League (NFL) for the Detroit Lions from 1965 to 1977. He was selected as the Lions' most valuable player in 1972 and was also selected as a second-team All-NFL player that year. At the time of his retirement, Hand's 164 games with the Lions ranked fourth in franchise history.
Sent him a card and a photo on 15 Oct and got them back signed on 24 Oct.
Mr Larry Hand
3410 Meridian Way
Winston Salem, NC 27104 |
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