Ed Rutkowski 47 Brenton Ln Hamburg, NY 14075-4327 États-Unis |
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(Adresse personnelle) 47 Brenton Ln Hamburg, NY 14075-4327 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Ed Rutkowski (former Buffalo Bills DE) SUCCESS! - 18 février 2025 I sent a letter, SASE and photo on February 8th and today I received it back signed!
Address used:
Mr. Ed Rutkowski
47 Benton Lane
Hamburg, NY 14075 |
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Ed Rutkowski American Football - 22 décembre 2015 Edward John Anthony Rutkowski (born March 21, 1941) is a former American football player, and a former politician in Buffalo, New York. Rutkowksi was a noted college and professional American football player. A wide receiver, he was an American Football League All-Star in 1965, playing for the AFL's Buffalo Bills as a receiver, defensive back, punt and kickoff return man and backup quarterback from 1963 to 1968. In a famous Topps football card mixup, Rutkowski was shown on two Buffalo Bills' football cards, his own, and mistakenly on the card for Ray Abruzzese.
AFL All-Star 1965
American Football League Champion 1964
American Football League Champion 1965
Sent him 2 cards on 2 Dec and got both back on 22 Dec.. He also sent a signed 5X7 photo.
Mr Ed Rutkowski
47 Brenton Ln.
Hamburg, NY. 14075 |
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