Jim Grabowski 1523 Withorn Ln Inverness, IL 60067-4367 États-Unis |
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(Adresse personnelle) 1523 Withorn Ln Inverness, IL 60067-4367 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Jim Grabowski Football... $$$ - 11 juillet 2016 Got an email today about Jim Grabowski
Jim Grabowski, a College Football Hall of Famer, who played in the NFL for the Green Bay Packers from 1966 to 1970 and the Chicago Bears in 1971, has changed his signing fees a little. The current information is as follows:
Signing Fee:
$15.00 per signature for all items
Please include sufficient return postage for your items.
Make Check or Money Order Payable To:
Mercy Home For Boys and Girls
Mailing Address:
Jim Grabowski
1523 Withorn Lane
Inverness IL 60067-4367 |
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Jim Grabowski American Football $$ Donation - 26 juillet 2015 James S. Grabowski (born September 9, 1944) is a former American football player and broadcaster. He played college football at the University of Illinois at UrbanaâChampaign and professionally in the National Football League (NFL) for the Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Bears. In the College Football Hall of Fame and played on the Packers for their wins in Super Bowl I and II..
Sent him a couple photos and a card but they came back unsigned with a note saying he would sign for a donation.. make checks payable to Mercy Home for Boys and Girls.. it also suggested donation be more than $10.. Will resend tomorrow with donation to:
Mr Jim Grabowski
1523 Withorn Ln.
Inverness, IL 60067-4367 |
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