Jake Gibbs 223 Saint Andrews Cir Oxford, MS 38655-2518 États-Unis |
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Jake Gibbs Baseball - 14 septembre 2020 Jerry Dean "Jake" Gibbs (born November 7, 1938) is a former Major League Baseball player who played for the New York Yankees as a platoon catcher from 1962 to 1971. Although Gibbs was the regular starting catcher for NY in 1967 and '68, he was primarily a back-up for Elston Howard and then Thurman Munson at the tail-end of his career. Prior to beginning his professional baseball career, Gibbs had successful careers in college baseball and college football at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) for the Ole Miss Rebels.
Gibbs returned to Ole Miss as an assistant football coach in 1965, working during the Yankees' offseason. In this role, Gibbs mentored Heisman Trophy finalist quarterback Archie Manning. After the 1971 season, Gibbs returned to Ole Miss full-time as a baseball coach and football recruiter. In 1972, he coached Ole Miss to the SEC championship. The team set an SEC record for consecutive conference wins, and went to Omaha for the 1972 College World Series (CWS), and Gibbs was named coach of the year. Gibbs was named coach of the year again in 1977. Gibbs retired in 1990 with 485 wins.
Sent him 2 photos on 24 Jun and got them back signed on 14 Sep. He also told me that this favorite pitchers to catch for were Whitey Ford and Mel Stottlemyre.
In 1995, Gibbs was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame.
Mr Jake Gibbs
223 Saint Andrews Cir
Oxford, MS 38655 |
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Jake Gibbs Baseball - 15 juillet 2016 Jerry Dean "Jake" Gibbs (born November 7, 1938) is a former Major League Baseball player who played for the New York Yankees as a platoon catcher from 1962 to 1971. His strong hit record in 1968 earned him the nickname "Dead-Eye" Gibbs.
Prior to beginning his professional baseball career, Gibbs had successful careers in college baseball and college football at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) for the Ole Miss Rebels. He returned to Ole Miss to coach the baseball and football teams.
1960 College Baseball All-America Team selections
1960 College Football All-America Team consensus selections
1960 Ole Miss Rebels footballâFWAA national champions
Southeastern Conference Baseball Coach of the Year
Sent him 2 cards on 24 Jun and got both back signed 15 Jul
Mr Jake Gibbs
233 St. Andrews Cir.
Oxford, MS 38655 |
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Jake Gibbs SUCCESS! - 12 août 2014 Sent letter SASE and photo on August 2 received signed today!
Address used:
Mr. Jake Gibbs
223 St. Andrews Circle
Oxford, MS 38655
- |  |
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