Comment écrire à Janice Karman?:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Janice Karman (Alvin and the Chipmunks) - 07 février 2014 I sent this around the middle of January 2013. I sent a letter each to her and her husband (Ross Bagdasarian, Jr.)
I received an "autograph" from the chipmunks and a letter from Karman February 2.
I prefer not to reveal all of what the letter said, but she did say they are working on a new series of the Chipmunks that will be computer animated and that one episode will revolve around Jeanette overcoming her shyness! She said they will look a tad bit different but she thinks "theyre still cute, especially Theodore". Im excited because the 80s show is still one of my favorite kids shows!
Bagdasarian Productions
1192 E Mountain Dr
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Sorry for the horrible quality of the photo; I took this photo with my iPod and left my camera in my dorm room.
Thank you Janice! | |
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