Pete Banaszak 1021 Inverness Dr Saint Augustine, FL 32092-2787 États-Unis |
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(Adresse personnelle) 1021 Inverness Dr Saint Augustine, FL 32092-2787 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Pete Banaszak American Football - 27 juillet 2015 Pete Banaszak (born 1944) is a former player of college and professional American football. A running back, he played college football at the University of Miami, and played professionally in the American Football League for the Oakland Raiders from 1966 through 1969, and for the NFL Raiders through 1978.
Banaszak was a member of the Raiders during their first Super Bowl appearance in Super Bowl II. He also scored 2 touchdowns in the Raiders 32-14 win over the Minnesota Vikings in Super Bowl XI. He was also a part of the 'Holy Roller" play that led to rule changes in the NFL about advancing fumbles. Banaszak appeared to try to recover the ball on the 12-yard line, but could not keep his footing, and pitched the ball with both hands even closer to the end zone.
Sent 2 photos on 18 July and got both back signed on 27 July.
Mr. Pete Banaszak
1021 Inverness Dr.
Saint Augustine, FL. 32092-2787 |
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Pete Banaszak (fmr Raiders RB) - 06 février 2014 Sent him a trading card back on 1-25-14 & got it back today 2-6-14. Here's the addy I used:
1021 Inverness Dr.
Saint Augustine, FL. 32092 |
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