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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
singer/actress "Louise Mandrell" success - 19 décembre 2013 She is the younger sister of country singer Barbara Mandrell, and older sister of actress Irlene Mandrell. Louise had a successful singing career in country music with a string of hits during the 1980s. Although she never developed the scale of fan base or the worldwide recognition that her older sister Barbara Mandrell gained in country music, Louise Mandrell is still credited as one of country music's more successful female vocalists of the 1980s. With their parents coming from a musical background, Barbara started off working as a singer, and playing the steel guitar and other instruments, and worked for Patsy Cline in the early 1960s.
Barbara's professional recognition in country music in the early 1970s with hits like "Treat Him Right", "Show Me" and "The Midnight Oil" gave Mandrell opportunities at success, and she started performing in Barbara's band The DoRites, which toured with Merle Haggard in the early 1970s. Her first time in the studio was on the recording "Always Wanting You", a no. 1 hit for Haggard in 1975.
mailed photo 9-6-13
received signed 11-2-13
Louise Mandrell Fan Club
P. O. Box 800
Hendersonville, TN 37077
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