Comment écrire à The Buckinghams?:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Carl Giammarese (The Buckinghams) - 01 juin 2018 Carl Giammarese (born August 21, 1947) is an American musician, singer-songwriter and record producer. He is best known as the lead guitarist and vocalist for The Buckinghams. In 1967, when the USA single "Kind of a Drag" went to #1 on the national charts, most of The Buckinghams were still under 21 and entered a series of business decisions by group vote, based on instinct rather than professional legal advice. The group chose a new manager, James William Guercio, and a new label, Columbia Records, for their future recording projects. On the strength of their first #1 single on USA Records, in early 1967, The Buckinghams were named âThe Most Promising Vocal Groupâ by Cashbox Magazine.
Sent him 2 photos on 4 May and got them back signed on 1 Jun.
Mr Carl Giammarese
c/o The Buckinghams
PO Box 7422
Villa Park, IL 60181 |
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THE BUCKINGHAMS - Carl Giammarese - 08 février 2013 I have send e-mail : carl at thebuckinghams.com
Address on envelope:
Buckinghams Music Ltd.
P.O.Box 7422
villa Park, IL 60181
Our with my daughter Helen site : http://helen-autographs.narod.ru
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