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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
TV Horror/Wrestling host "Bill Cardille" success - 03 mars 2012 Cardille is probably best known as Chilly Billy, the host of Chiller Theatre, a late night Saturday program that showed horror and science fiction films. It is this program for which Cardille is best remembered, earning him his famed nickname. The program aired from 1963 until its cancellation in 1983. Joe Flaherty, a Pittsburgh native, acknowledges this show as an influence in the formation of the popular "Monster Chiller Horror Theatre" sketches on SCTV.
Cardille also hosted other programs including Studio Wrestling, and a combination game show /movie program that ran in the late afternoon. He hosted a teen dance show, the Four OClock Money Movie, and Movies to Laugh By for WIIC. He remains the local host for the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon. Cardille appeared in both the 1968 original version and the 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead, in the television movie, The Assassination File, and in the documentary American Scary.
mailed photo 1-13-12
received signed 1-20-12
Bill Cardille
c/o WJAS-Radio
900 Parish Street 4th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA. 15220
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/86 ... e022t.jpg/ |  |
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