May Britt 5059 Enfield Avenue Encino, CA 91316-3502 États-Unis |
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May Britt - 28 juillet 2015 Sent to May Britt only about 3 weeks ago to address on this website. Yesterday I got back picture signed and personalized also a little thank you note!
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Sweddish actress "May Britt" success - 11 septembre 2011 aybritt Wilkens, as she was known originally, was discovered by Italian film-makers Carlo Ponti and Mario Soldati in 1951. The two Italians were in Sweden to cast a young blonde woman for the title role in Jolanda, the Daughter of the Black Corsair. They came to the studio where she worked to view photographs of models. After meeting her, they offered her the part. May Britt, as she was renamed professionally, immediately moved to Rome. As expected, she made her movie debut as the leading actress in Jolanda, the Daughter of the Black Corsair (1952). In the late 1950s, Britt relocated to Hollywood after signing with 20th Century Fox. She starred in a few movies, including The Young Lions with Marlon Brando and Murder, Inc. with Peter Falk, as well as a much-criticized remake of The Blue Angel in the legendary role first created by Marlene Dietrich in 1930.
She met Sammy Davis, Jr. in 1959. They began dating, and, after a brief engagement, were married on November 13, 1960. Once married, Britt left the movies.
mailed photo 8-12-11
received signed 8-22-11
May Britt
5059 Enfield Ave
Encino, CA 91316
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