Howie Bedell 1187 Crestwood Dr Pottstown, PA 19464-2931 États-Unis |
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Howie Bedell Baseball - 04 mars 2024 Howard William Bedell (born September 29, 1935, in Clearfield, Pennsylvania) is an American former Major League Baseball player, coach and front-office administrator. In MLB, Bedell played in 67 games and registered 28 hits, three runs batted in and scored 15 runs. He batted .193. After his playing career ended, Bedell held both on- and off-field posts with MLB clubs. He was a coach with the Kansas City Royals (1984) and Seattle Mariners (1988), coordinator of player development for the Royals (1985) and Mariners (part of 1988), and farm director of the Phillies (1979-1980) and Cincinnati Reds (1990-1991). He also served as a manager in the Phillies' and Colorado Rockies' farm systems.
Milwaukee Braves (1962)
Philadelphia Phillies (1968)
Sent him 2 cards on 18 Oct '23 and got them back signed 4 Mar '24. Also included a card of him as Director of Player Development for the Cincinnati Reds that was signed.
Mr Howie Bedell
1187 Crestwood Dr
Pottstown, PA 19464 |
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Howie Bedell MLB Success - 29 mars 2019 Sent 3/22/19
Received 3/29/19
Sent to
1187 Crestwood Dr
Pottstown PA 19464
Added an extra 90s ProCard and business card, addressed the SASE and wrote �play baseball� on the back. One of my coolest successes
7 days
http://surfmypictures.com/image/61e3ed7514db3119/dx1xy.html |  |
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