Ken McMullen 10 Estaban Dr Camarillo, CA 93010-1610 États-Unis |
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Ken McMullen Baseball - 01 juin 2020 Kenneth Lee McMullen (born June 1, 1942) is an American former Major League Baseball third baseman. Born in Oxnard, California. McMullen signed with the Los Angeles Dodgers upon graduation from Oxnard High School. After two minor league seasons in which he batted .285 with 42 home runs and 177 runs batted in, McMullen made his major league debut as a September call-up in 1962 at just twenty years old. He collected three hits in eleven at-bats. His first major league home run was a grand slam off the St. Louis Cardinals' Ernie Broglio on the Fourth of July 1963 He raised his average to a far more respectable .236 by the end of the season while hitting five home runs with 28 RBIs. He pulled a hamstring on September 26 against the New York Mets, thereby missing the World Series against the New York Yankees.
He spent his final season with the Milwaukee Brewers before retiring. He hit a pinch hit home run against the Seattle Mariners in his final career at bat. 09-14-1977
Los Angeles Dodgers (1962â1964)
Washington Senators (1965â1970)
California Angels (1970â1972)
Los Angeles Dodgers (1973â1975)
Oakland Athletics (1976)
Milwaukee Brewers (1977)
Career highlights and awards
World Series champion (1963)
Sent him 2 photos on 25 Apr and got them back signed on 1 Jun
Mr Ken McMullen
10 Estaban Dr.
Camarillo, CA 93010 |
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