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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Alvin Dark (1948 ROY) success - 28 novembre 2013 Sent LOR and 1962 topps card and IC on 11/12/13 and on 11/23/13 I received the IC back signed very shakily in blue sharpie. He kept the card which I guess he wanted to or he messed it up but that annoyed me because I bought the card specifically for him to sign. Also he did not inscribe "1948 ROY" as requested (He was the ROY in 1948 when there was one for both leagues) I guess he's just getting too old to be able to concentrate when doing TTMs.
address used:
Alvin Dark
103 Cranberry Way
Easley, SC 29640
sorry no scanner
Alvin Dark - Ex MLB Player and Manager Sucess! - 21 mai 2013 Sent one card, LOR, and SASE to Mr. Dark in early February 2013. A week or so later, I received my card back signed as well as a booklet! Great success from a man whos in his early 90s! Thank you so much, Mr. Dark!
Sent to:
Al Dark
103 Cranberry Way
Easley, SC 29642-3200