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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Joan Weldon Actress - 24 mai 2018 Joan Weldon (born as Joan Louise Welton on August 5, 1930, San Francisco, California) is an American film and television actress.
Weldon began her career singing in the San Francisco Grand Opera Company chorus. She also sang with the Los Angeles Civic Light Opera. On Broadway, she appeared in Kean. She sang at the opening of the New York State Theater at Lincoln Center, in 1964. After working in film and television, she resumed her career as a singer in road company productions including The Music Man and Oklahoma!. Weldon retired in 1980.
Weldon's film debut came in the 1953 film The System. Although her background was singing in operas, The System and her next two films, So This Is Love and Rear Guard, all had her in non-singing roles. She became a contract actress with Warner Bros. where she remained until her contract ended in 1954. Her most prominent film was the cult thriller Them!
Sent her 2 photos on 20 Jan and got them back signed on 21 May.
Mrs Joan Weldon - Podell
2200 S. Ocean Lane Apt 1204
Fort Launderdale, FL 33316 |
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Joan Weldon RTS - 11 mai 2016 Hi, I sent a package to this address:
Joan Weldon
1100 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10128-1202
And it arrived RTS today, with the words 'move(d) out' written across the front. Does anyone have a newer address? Thanks. |
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