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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Letter from President Obama (Barack Obama) - 12 juin 2018 Got this in the mail today.
Not sure if itÂs autopen or signed by the President. Difficult to make
Out. Any views pls ?
Barack Obama Success - 28 mai 2018 I sent a LOR, SASE, and two photos to a private address for Barack Obama and received back one of the photos I sent to him.
I can confirm it's not a pre-print. I've been doing this long enough to know the signs of a pre-print. It could be authentic, but I'd like to see if anybody has any more information on his autopens. So far, I haven't found any autopen examples that match this, but if anybody does have any examples, feel free to share a link or photo to them.
I already own his signed Audacity of Hope book authenticated by PSA/DNA, which this slightly resembles but obviously not exact.
This took about three months to get back to me. It does have an interesting inscription of, "All the best!" which I have seen in some of his other PSA and JSA authenticated items. I'm expecting this to be autopen, but maybe somebody has some input and evidence. ... g3gdk.html ... dlful.html
Success: Barack Obama - 14 novembre 2016 Sent: 6/28/16 >>>> Received: 10/12/16
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20500
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