Billy Davis Jr. Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr. P.O. Box 7905 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 États-Unis
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Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr. (Boîte postale) P.O. Box 7905 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Billy Davis Jr. Success - 10 octobre 2024 I wrote to Mr. Davis on 01/13/2024 and heard back on 10-10-2024
Billy Davis Jr
P.O. Box 7905
Beverly Hills, CA. 90212-7905
http://surfmypictures.com/image/ef4f67603b790ea9/grtw6.html |     |
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Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr... The 5th Dimension - 20 août 2018 Marilyn McCoo (born September 30, 1943) is an American singer, actress, and television presenter, who is best known for being the lead female vocalist in the group The 5th Dimension, as well as hosting the 1980s music countdown series Solid Gold. Since 1969, she has been married to singer Billy Davis Jr., the founder and co-member of the 5th Dimension.
McCoo has a four-octave vocal range.
Billy Davis Jr. (born June 26, 1938 in St. Louis, Missouri) is an American musician, best known as a member of the 5th Dimension. Along with his wife, Marilyn McCoo, he had hit records during 1976 and 1977 with "I Hope We Get to Love in Time", "Your Love", and "You Don't Have to Be a Star (To Be in My Show)". Davis and McCoo were married in 1969. They became the first African American married couple to host a network television series, The Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr. Show, on CBS in the summer of 1977. That same year, "You Don't Have to Be a Star (To Be in My Show)" won a Grammy Award.
Sent them 2 photos to sign on 18 Jul and got them both back signed by both of them on 20 Aug
Ms Marilyn McCoo & Mr Billy Davis Jr.
P.O. Box 7905
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 |
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