Casey Kotchman 8442 125th Ct. Seminole, FL 33776 États-Unis |
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(Adresse personnelle) 8442 125th Ct. Seminole, FL 33776 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Casey Kotchman 1st baseman Rays/Indian/Braves Success!!!!!!! - 31 octobre 2012 On January 7, 2012. I sent Mr. Kotchman 2 ROMLB, Letter and SASE. In the letter I stated that I enjoyed watching him as a hometown hero with the Rays(He grew up in St. Pete. Home of the Rays). I also stated that a good friend of mine went to Highschool with him. So One of the baseballs was for him as I stated in the letter. It took 298 days to get back to me. I kinda knew it was going to take a while due to he went to the Indians. The address I used was his parents house in Seminole St. Pete. I got both back signed with his #11 in the middle of the Y in Casey just like I asked for. Thank you Mr. Kotchman and his parent for holding his fanmail and making my success an amazing one!
Address used :
Casey Kotchman
8442 125th CT
Seminole, FL 33776-3200
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